Ok so we've been really busy, sorry about that. New photo's up soon we promise. But here's your next challenge. The photo to the left is of a bottle of lemonade ("ra-mu-ne") but what flavour is it I hear you ask? Well, that's for me to know and you to work out. May I suggest maybe trying to translate? It's a word that's been Japonified e.g. "Lemonade= ra-mu-ne", but maybe a little easier.
When you work it out, yes we did buy it, and it wasn't too bad, either.
Update: Jon has worked it out! Well done dad :-) For all you who are to lazy to check the comments to see his answer, it is indeed Curry Lemonade. Mmm-mm.
Tracey = Apple flavoured lemonade
Wayne = Noodle flavour lemonade
Would it be 'curry flavour'?
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