Friday, June 27, 2008

Unemployment is Awesome (at least for a little while)

Laura and I both finished work today. It makes the weekend a little sweeter knowing that we won't have to be at work on Monday; but that's just a little counter-balanced by the knowledge that we'll be moving house on Monday instead.

But as any and all occasions should be marked by at least a little drink, we cracked open a very nice Coonawarra Sparkling generously given to Laura, though curiously named "Syn".

The 'etymology' for the name given on the back of the label gives its definition as both a prefix (e.g. synchronous) and as an archaic spelling of the modern 'sin'. They define 'sin' as a "serendipitous, libidinous act considered as a transgression against divinity". Just what is their sales pitch here?

"It's a crime against god, but hey we can do it together, so it'll be fun!" ?


Monday, June 23, 2008

We've run out of red tape.

Hooray! Yesterday we got the last of our Visas, Laura got her spiffy new British passport AND we got our bit of paper for our Japan Rail Passes.

Red Tape= Cut.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pre-leaving Getting Rid of Stuff Day (PGRSD)

So we had a PGRSD, also known as a garage sale, today. An interesting experience to say the least. We had a knock on the door at around 6.30am (the advertised start time was 7.30) and not one, but TWO, unrelated people hung around waiting for us to start putting our 'merchandise' out. There were about five people standing outside our house by 7.00. What's more bizarre is that before anything even crossed the threshold of our house, I had sold my electric guitar.

On the whole it's been a fantastic day, the profits of which roughly cover half of our accommodation in Japan! Super-awesome!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Blog

So, seeing as Nate and I are off travelling in less than two weeks (!) i thought it was the perfect time to start a blog that i probably won't update. Good idea you say. I agree!

Anyway, I will endeavour to post some vaguely interesting stuff and of course links to our pics at flickr. And I'll try and keep it short and sweet so you don't get too bored.

So anyway, that's all I've got for you now. 13 sleeps to go!!