Friday, June 27, 2008

Unemployment is Awesome (at least for a little while)

Laura and I both finished work today. It makes the weekend a little sweeter knowing that we won't have to be at work on Monday; but that's just a little counter-balanced by the knowledge that we'll be moving house on Monday instead.

But as any and all occasions should be marked by at least a little drink, we cracked open a very nice Coonawarra Sparkling generously given to Laura, though curiously named "Syn".

The 'etymology' for the name given on the back of the label gives its definition as both a prefix (e.g. synchronous) and as an archaic spelling of the modern 'sin'. They define 'sin' as a "serendipitous, libidinous act considered as a transgression against divinity". Just what is their sales pitch here?

"It's a crime against god, but hey we can do it together, so it'll be fun!" ?


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