Friday, September 19, 2008

A mean time at Greenwich

While hanging out waiting to get a job, Laura and I went exploring. We caught the tube down to Canary Wharf and then strolled along the Thames, and the under it, to Greenwich. It was quite a nice day out. Here's some photos.

The craziest traffic lights I've ever seen and in the middle of a roundabout no less! These crazy Brits. What are they like, hey?

This is me (the one standing in the Western Hemisphere) and Laura (she's the one all the way over there in the Eastern Hemisphere).
This is what we observed from the old observatory. No stars, just the old royal naval college and the queen's house (see below). Oh and that's not the London eye, it's its little sister.

The queen's house from the front. Now the name is a little strange, because the queen doesn't live there... you can read about it here.

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