Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Globe- well, the new one anyway.

Last Wednesday I fulfilled one of my great dreams; seeing a Shakespearean play in a Shakespearean theatre. Shakespeare's Globe, as it is called, is a faithful reconstruction of the Bard's own playhouse, not on its original location, but certainly very, very close. We even got to experience the authentic pit experience; the five pound 'groundling' tickets are standing room only, but represent fantastic value.

Unfortunately we thought we shouldn't take a camera, because it is theatre and all and because of that there's no photos. Worse than that though, before the show started everyone but us was taking photos, meaning we were kicking ourselves for not bringing at least Laura's little point-and-shoot. However, in an effort to entertain you our dear readers (if anyone is still reading) I have shamelessly plagiarised a promotional image for the play and pasted it here.

Needless to say it was a super production with a python-esque French doctor, a Basil Fawlty-like Ford and a very jolly Falstaff. Good times all round :-)

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