Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rottnest Island

Ok, so it's not quite as exciting as Moscow, Paris or New York but it's still cool....

We went over to Rottnest Island for the Rotto Short Film and Comedy Festival. Our friend Jules happens to be a film maker AND a comedian (and he's pretty good at DIY too) so we went to support him and catch up with the quokkas. Here are a couple of mangy little things...

We got the ferry from Fremantle on the Friday night and the weather was terrible. Trista (soon to be known as Dr K) brought along some anti-nausea tablets and vomit bags for the ferry ride over which was fairly horrific. You couldn't even see out the windows for all the spray and the boat was going up and down like it was a theme park ride. I was very close to vomiting but thankfully I managed to hold out and as soon as we got closer to the island it calmed down.

We woke up to a gorgeous day on Saturday which was very lucky as the weather in Perth has been fairly ordinary of late. See blue skies...

In the morning we went down the the picture hall to watch some of the short films. Jules had two films showing, Stand Down and Murray the Ghost which was definitely a crowd pleaser.

You can watch Murray on youtube if you click here and you can watch Stand Down if you click here. There was quite a few other films that were good but I think my favourite was Singer-Songwriter by Dan Osborn and Vincenzo Perrella. I can't find it on youtube yet but when it turns up I will try and remember to post a link.

Here's a picture of Julo being interviewed. He was as witty and professional as ever.

That afternoon we went to the lodge to watch a Jules and a bunch of other comedians doing stand up. It was a really great show actually, probably one of the best ones I've been to. Anyway, here is a picture of Trista and Wayne enjoying each others company before the show.

After that we went back to the house and finally ate the Zebra pate that we bought in South Africa. Yes it was real zebra! 42% zebra meat or something. God knows what the other 58% was. The taste? Well it was ok-ish. But now I've eaten zebra and that's all that matters.

Here's us enjoying some afternoon sun and a few beverages in our little shanty.

That night we went back to the lodge for another comedy gig. This one was a shocker though! It was the same people and a lot of the same jokes but it just wasn't working. You don't realise what a big difference the crowd can make.

Even though there weren't many laughs at the comedy gig within moments of leaving Trista was in hysterics after she spotted a quokka sleeping on its tail. Here they are laughing, pointing and taking photos of the poor thing.

Sunday morning we prepared for the ferry ride home and made an obligatory stop at the Rotto bakery for a pie. Here are some of our little furry friends hanging out near the bakery and trying to help themselves to our supplies.

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