Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Nation's Capital

Ok, next stop, Washington DC...

I had got myself a cold in New York and was fairly miserable on the 5 hour bus journey down to DC. Once we got to DC the first stop was to pick up the van. It's a Ford E-350, a 12 seater passenger van more commonly known as a mini bus!

Here's a picture of the beast.

It was wet and cold for the 2 days we were in DC and if you look at the photos on Flickr you can see how bad the visibility was. We still managed to check out all the main tourist spots and also had a look at a couple of the Smithsonian museums. Here's a picture on Nathanael with Abe. It was actually quite an impressive statue.

We went to a quiz night on our last night there at the Varsity Grill. It was quite funny as ALL the questions were about America and my knowledge of all the states and every president to ever serve was slightly lacking. That said, we didn't lose. haha.

Anyway, the next day the sun came out!

Nate and the boys had been eyeing up the local frisbee golf course so we jumped in the bus and head down there for an early morning game. Here's a pre-game shot.

We also saw a ground hog which was pretty exciting. We tried to get some photos but he wasn't really that keen. He was cute though:)


Wayneo said...

Laura, I'm undecided if you that van makes you look like a terrorist from 24 or a rapist from CSI.

What's your gut feeling?

Laura said...

Well all i will say is that a trucker at a servo said "That's a nice truck".

Haha, It's awesome, except for the steering and the turning circle.